The Fish pepper is quite an eye-catching, all-around beautiful pepper! Its wonderful flavors were kept as a secret ingredient throughout the Caribbean; however, it was eventually released to the public growing community by William Woys Weaver back in 1995.
Fish pepper plants are productive and produce high yields of these brilliant fruits. Very easy to grow in gardens and containers, they can also be wonderful with pretty variegated leaves and colorful pods. Fish peppers have a beautiful ripening stage as they start a creamy white color, changing into a light green with dark green stripes and markings, to a vibrant orange with dark red and brown streaks.
The name is most likely correlated to the chili's popular use with seafood. The variegated Fish Pepper was traditionally used in oyster and crab houses in the northeastern United States. Fish chili peppers are a feast for the eyes with the colorful young cream-colored peppers that were used for adding a kick to the creamy sauces that topped seafood. With heat and flavor similar to the and , you’ll fall in love with this gem.
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