- Ficus Elastica Ruby, Ficus Decora Ruby Pink, or Pink Rubber Tree, is a plant species of the Moraceae family. With strawberry-colored, oval leaves, it makes a cute gift for plant lovers and is a perfect adornment for any decor style.
Ficus Ruby is a fast grower and can reach approximately 13” tall. This is an evergreen tree with an air-purifying and toxin-removing effect.
A mature ficus plant might flower, but its flower looks like a ‘false fruit that has tiny male and female organs. After pollination, it produces a small fig.
- Bright or indirect sunlight in order for their leaves to remain variegated. However, avoid direct sunlight to prevent sunburn.
Water sparingly every 7-10 days and leave the soil to dry in between waterings. Only water when the soil is dry to the touch.
Well-Drained, yet lightly moist at all times soil.
This plant thrives in temperatures of 60°F-80°F. It is vital to ensure the room temperature does not fall below 60°F.
This plant should be fertilized once during the growing season (spring/summer) with diluted houseplant fertilizer.
This plant is mildly toxic, so keep it out of reach of pets and children.
USDA Zone 10-12
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)