Original Item: Only One Available. An original British Officer's Sword from the late 18th or early 19th Century, with all bronze hilt beautifully molded in the shape of a sea serpent with cross guard finished in sea shell design all magnificently executed.
The sweeping "scimitar" style blade with widening fore section and blood fullers to each side, complete in the original bronze mounted leather scabbard with large maker's Mmrk to rear of throat mount, stating; PROSSER, CHARING CROSS, LONDON" which was one of London's leading sword cutlers.
Untouched, the leather of the scabbard shows surface wear but is all present and serviceable, the frog stud on the bronze throat mount in the shape of a Crescent Moon showing the great influence to current fashion from Napoleon's recent Egyptian Campaign.
This is an extremely rare model, an un-cleaned sleeper, left just as it has been for over the last 200 years.